
The Hazard Communication Program is a written document developed and implemented by the University of Northern Iowa to enhance the safety of employees in the workplace and establish compliance with the standards identified in 29CFR1910.1200. This program, a listing of hazardous chemicals or materials, and safety data sheets (SDS) will be kept in a file or binder and will be readily available and accessible in each affected department for review by all interested parties. Copies of SDS sheets will also be maintained on the University Chemical Database .



The University of Northern Iowa is firmly committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace environment for each of its employees. This program establishes minimum safe procedures and guidelines for employees working with hazardous chemicals or materials.

Departments are responsible to provide education and training to all employees who may be potentially exposed to hazardous chemicals or materials in their work area. Departmental specific training will be conducted prior to employee’s first exposure to the hazardous chemical or material (either in a classroom or on the job). Additional training will be conducted whenever a hazard changes (SDS change or process change) and whenever a new hazardous chemical or material is introduced into their work area. Employees will be trained in all aspects outlined under the section on Information and Training.


Container Labeling 

Deans, Directors or Department Heads or designee will verify that all containers received for and used at this institution are clearly labeled as to the contents and the appropriate hazard warnings and pictograms. No containers will be released for use until the above data is verified.

Deans, Directors or Department Heads or designee are responsible to assure existing labels on incoming containers of hazardous chemicals or materials are maintained, not removed or defaced. Periodic inspection is required to assure labels are legible and contain appropriate hazard warnings.

 If a container has a DOT shipping label, it will not be removed until all residue has been removed from the container.

Each employee is responsible to inspect the container label prior to use of any hazardous chemical or material. Each employee who transfers hazardous chemicals or materials into portable containers (such as bottles, spray bottles, parts cleaning cans, etc.) is responsible for labeling the containers. Label must be legible with the identity of the material and appropriate hazard warnings and pictograms.

 All containers with hazardous chemicals will be labeled. Each container will include either:

  • The label shipped with the chemical container; or
  • A label, tag, or marking with product identifier and combination of words, pictures or symbols, that provide general information regarding the hazards of the chemicals and information about the physical and health hazards of the chemical.

 Where in-house labels on containers replace the original labels provided by the chemical supplier, they will include at least the following label elements;

  • Pictogram that may include a symbol plus other graphic elements, such as a border, background pattern, or color, that is intended to convey specific information about the hazards of a chemical,
  • Hazard statement assigned to a hazard class and category that describes the nature of the hazard(s) of a chemical, including, where appropriate, the degree of hazard,
  • Signal word (i.e., “Warning” or “Danger”) to indicate the relative level of severity of hazard,
  • Precautionary statement for each hazard class and category that describes recommended measures that should be taken to minimize or prevent adverse effects resulting from exposure to a hazardous chemical, or improper storage or handling

Portable Containers

Labels are not required on portable containers into which hazardous chemicals are transferred from labeled containers and that are intended only for the immediate use of the employee who performs the transfer.

Hazardous Chemical/Materials Inventory

Departments are required to maintain an inventory of Hazardous Chemicals or Materials on the University Chemical Database and required to update the inventories at least annually.  Departments whose inventories change on a frequent basis should base these inventories on the maximum quantity of hazardous chemicals or material they will have in stock at any given time.

Safety Data Sheets

It is the responsibility of departments ordering chemicals and products to obtain necessary SDSs for hazardous chemicals or materials. Copies of the SDSs for the Physical Plant are required to be sent to the Facilities Access/Maintenance Coordinator. All other departmental SDS copies should be sent to the Environmental Health and Safety Office. These copies will be incorporated into the University SDS Database which is located at https://chimeracloud.org/sds/.  Copies of the SDSs for the hazardous chemicals or materials to which employees may be exposed will be kept in each department in a file or notebook and will be readily available and accessible to all employees for review during each work shift.

Contractors, subcontractors or other employers working at the University are required to bring copies of all SDSs for hazardous chemicals or materials they bring on the jobsite. SDSs are to be readily available and accessible to all employees (contractor’s, subcontractor’s, other employer’s and university’s) who may be or potentially be exposed to the hazardous chemicals or materials. Upon leaving the job site and the removal of all hazardous materials, contractors, subcontractors or other employers will take their SDSs and associated information with them.

Information and Training

Departmental Responsibilities

Deans, Directors, Department Heads or designee are responsible to provide information and training to all employees who may be exposed or potentially may be exposed to hazardous chemicals or materials in their work area. Training may be either in the classroom or on the job. It will be presented prior to first exposure to the hazardous chemical or material.in their work area. Training may be either in the classroom or on the job. It will be presented prior to first exposure to the hazardous chemical or material. EHS regularly provides hazardous communication training for all departments on campus. An e-learning course on Hazardous Communication is also provided. The website address to access this course is: https://risk.uni.edu/safety-resources/laboratory-environmental-safety. To access the site scroll to the heading Environmental Training.

Required Content

Included will be information on this program, any operations in their work area where hazardous chemicals or materials are present, and the location of the University Hazard Communication Program, hazardous chemicals or materials listing, and safety data sheets. Additional training is required whenever the hazard changes (SDS change, process change). Information and training may be designed to cover categories of hazards (flammability, carcinogenicity, etc.) or specific hazardous chemicals or materials. Hazardous chemical or material specific information must always be available through labels and SDSs.

 Employee training will include at least the following:

  • Overview of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard.
  • Details of the University Hazard Communication Program, including the labeling system.
  • Physical hazards (i.e. flash point, vapor pressure, reactivity, etc.) associated to the specific hazardous chemicals or materials present in his/her department or work area.
  • Health hazards, including signs and symptoms of exposure, of the specific hazardous chemicals or materials present in his/her department or work area and any medical condition known to be aggravated by exposure to these chemicals.
  • Procedures to protect against chemical or material hazards (i.e. required personal protective equipment and its proper use and maintenance; work practices or methods to ensure appropriate use and handling of hazardous chemicals or materials; and procedures for emergency response).
  • Methods and observations that are in place or may be used to detect the presence or release of a hazardous chemical or material in the work area; and work procedures to follow to assure protection when cleaning hazardous chemical or material spills and leaks.
  • Ensure employees understand laboratory doors are properly labeled as to the chemical hazards in their laboratories.  The procedure on how the door is to be labeled may be found on the Environmental Health and Safety webpage at https://risk.uni.edu/laboratory-door-signage .
  • Location of Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), how to read and interpret the information on labels and SDSs, and how employees may obtain additional hazard information.
  • Point to stress: if an employee is instructed to use a hazardous chemical or material for which he/she has not been trained, it is their responsibility to inform the employer prior to handling the hazardous chemical or material. This will insure proper training can be given

Resources-Periodic Review Responsibilities

Training will be updated any time the hazard changes or a new hazardous chemical or material is introduced in to the department or work area. Training resources can be found on the Environmental Health and Safety webpage at https://risk.uni.edu/safety-resources/toolbox-talks.

Deans, Directors or Department Heads or designee are responsible to periodically review their training program and evaluate its effectiveness.

 Non-Routine Hazardous Tasks

Periodically, employees are required to perform non-routine tasks that are hazardous (i.e. confined space entry, boiler clean out, or replacing hazardous chemical piping). Prior to starting work on such tasks; Deans, Directors, or Department Heads or designee will provide each affected employee with information about the hazardous chemicals or materials he/she may encounter during the assigned task. This information will include specific physical and health hazards, protective and safety measures the employee can use, and steps the company is taking to reduce the hazards (i.e. ventilation, respirators, presence of another employee – buddy system, and emergency procedures.)

Deans, Directors or Department Heads or designee will notify all other employees working in the area prior to the non-routine task being performed.

Contractors, Subcontractors and Other Employees

Deans, Directors or Department Heads or designee are responsible to provide every contractor, subcontractor or other employer working in the University’s facilities or job site with information about the University Hazard Communication Program, the hazardous chemicals or materials they may encounter, the location of SDSs, labeling procedures, and suggested precautions for their employees to follow. It is also their responsibility to obtain pertinent information about the hazardous chemicals or materials used by the contractor, subcontractor or other employer that university employees may be exposed to or potentially exposed to (i.e. list of hazardous chemicals or materials, the location of SDSs, labeling procedures, and suggested precautions, etc.) It will be the responsibility of the contractor, subcontractor or other employer to properly train his/her employees in all aspects of the Hazard Communication Standard including all hazardous chemicals and materials that they may be exposed to while working at the University.

 See Addendum to Hazard Communication Program regarding hazardous material notification.

All employees, or their designated representatives, can obtain further information on this written program, the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, applicable SDSs, and chemical information lists at the University Environmental Health and Safety Office. Contact information and the University Hazard Communication Program are available on the University Safety Web Pages at http://www.uni.edu in the A-Z Index under Environmental Health and Safety or Safety.

The University Hazard Communication Program is designed to comply with local, state, and federal regulations applicable to the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa. The University Environmental Health and Safety Office shall complete a periodic review of the program with the assistance and cooperation of all affected personnel and departments.


Hazard Communication Poster

Updated by the Lab Safety Committee on April 15, 2021

Updated/Reviewed by Risk/EHS on October 21, 2024